2019 Emmy Nominees Action & Adventure Animation Anime Comedy Crime Documentary Drama. In 2018, the Finders again made news when Anna Elizabeth Young, formerly known as Mother Anna, was arrested in Marietta, Georgia. In contrast with other historical human trafficking rings covered in the independent press, including those I havepreviously discussed, the Finders scandal presents as something of a phantom. Local police officers claimed after examining the situation more that it all was just a misunderstanding and there did not seem to be cause to worry about child trafficking or devil worship. Other instances of extortion exist as well, such as parents who tried to contact anyone in the group were sent letters describing sexual acts involving their family member that included drawings or pictures. pt 2, Police Documents Reveal 30 Year Cover-Up of Child Sex Abuse, Tracking Down The Finders Cult with John Brisson. Credit | Tallahassee Democrat. The Deadly Cult That Worked For The CIA: The Finders Hailey Elizabeth 911K subscribers Subscribe 39K 930K views 1 year ago Go to http://vessi.com/hailey and use my code HAILEY to get $25 off of. Key documents from the MPD investigation are labeled secret, just as Martinez had claimed, which is bizarre on its face if we are to believe that the Finders were simply an odd alternative living commune. Comment on this article at HealthImpactNews.com. One final thought pertaining to the previous paragraph is that throughout the documents, many instances are recorded of The Finders using threats and extortion to silence dissent. It was at this point in the case that the police in Florida learn about the Finders.[1]. You can easily improve your search by specifying the number of letters in the answer. The exact method by which this occurred remains murky, with the best copy of the documents being hosted by the website of now-deceased Ted Gunderson, who served as an FBI special agent in charge and head of the Los Angeles FBI. The story exploded on a national scale after investigators linked the pair, identified as Douglas Ammerman and Michael Houlihan (also referred to as Michael Holwell), with a Washington D.C.-based group known as the Finders, which authorities publicly referred to as a "cult." The DOJs investigation resulted in a verdict of no evidence of CIA interference and no evidence of criminal activity on the part of the Finders, and it represented the official and legal end of the story. makeup department head (13 episodes, 2012) Maynard Matthews Cover of a report on the CIA-run Finders produced by Ted Gunderson. The FBIs Vault publication includes records from the preliminary Tallahassee police department investigation, the MPD investigation, heavily redacted records from the U.S. Customs Service, documents from the Washington Metro Field Office (WMFO) of the FBI, and other agencies, as well as the correspondence and documentation of the 1993 inquiry, mostly from the WMFO to FBI Headquarters. Just months after Epsteins death, in October 2019, the FBI began releasing hundreds of Finders investigation documents to their Vault. Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order Who are the Jews? The story is further complicated by the fact that it takes place in three basic stages: the initial 1987 investigation spread across multiple states and law enforcement agencies; a subsequent 1993 inquiry into allegations of a CIA coverup and interference in the 1987 investigation; and the emergence of Customs Service documents detailing new aspects of initial searches of Finders properties which was followed by the publication of hundreds of documents from both investigations to the FBI vault in 2019. Finally, prior to the case in Tallahassee, MPD officers reported that cult rituals were taking place near the 3900 block of W Street NW, and the evidence for this included eyewitness accounts and the discovery of several stones formed in the shape of a ceremonial circle. The story of her. Years before Q Anonymous, another conspiracy theory rocked the United States. Initially, Tallahassee police were concerned that the children might have been kidnapped and were being trafficked across state lines. Hallelujah: Leonard Cohen, a Journey, a Song. When asked who the leader of the group is, the oldest child had replied the Game Caller. When offered food, one child consumed 8 bananas and an orange. The same group that the FBI considered dangerous and guilty of obtaining children for unspecified purposes seemed to melt away by 1996.[9]. Fans of Spencer Matthews have voiced their concern after his emotional documentary Finding Michael was pulled from the Disney+ schedule hours before it was due . There is the admission that Isabelle Pettie, the wife of Finders leader Marion Pettie, worked for the CIA during the Cold-War era (Pettie also admitted that his son worked for the CIA-linked, Iran Contra-era Air America), and that it was her visas to North Korea, North Vietnam, Russia and elsewhere that had been approved by the State Department. For example, one document written by a federal agent categorized the Finders as well organized child abuse scheme, and that [redacted] in conjunction with the State Department, and the FBIs Foreign Counterintelligence Section, conspired to cover up those abuses. At its heart, the conspiracy theory holds that the Western elite is dominated by pedophiles who resort to amoral acts in order to hold onto their considerable power. Benjamin Welton is a West Virginia native currently living in Boston. The children are described as looking "disheveled" with potential signs of abuse. Prior to the quick shutdown of the case, news reports in February 1987 claimed that one of the goals of the Finders was to wean children away from their parents. We are experts in recruiting and the specialties we serve, and we know people. You don't need a TV to watch the movie live as it airs, either. Bizarrely, a map relating to the McMartin Preschool scandal is also included in the publication for no known reason, since at this time the cases are completely unrelated aside from both having contained allegations of satanic abuse. A search of the van found at the original scene in Tallahassee included a Chinese-English dictionary, while the computers found in Washington, D.C. included correspondence between members in China, Hong Kong, and the United States. Directors Tracy Lucca Anthony Berenato Jr. (collaborating director) Writer Tracy Lucca (story) Stars Kim Carson Jacob Corsi The Biggest Bombshells from the Finders Document Dump! Before losing his leg, Wood struggled with an oxycontin dependency, which was only heightened during his grief and recovery period. Just months after Epsteins death, in October 2019, the FBI began releasinghundreds of Finders investigation documentsto their Vault. The FBI requested information from the State Department regarding their passports and who approved the travel. The mothers claimed this was done for hands-on educational purposes and the meat of the goat was eaten. Now streaming on: Powered by JustWatch. Other evidence concerning the Finders clearly pointed towards some kind of intelligence work carried out by the group. What would follow is one of the most horrific, shocking tales to ever be told in America, yet mainstream media outlets seem to ignore coverage of the depth of the declassification of these documents. Its unquestionable that people have been murdered for trying to expose the tales told in these pages. Hence, suspicions of kidnapping and trafficking rapidly lost credibility, though issues of abuse remained. However, this explanation as to the purpose of the childrens trip wouldchange significantly, with Finders members later stating that the group were on an adventure in Florida. Rocky II isn't terrible, but too much of it feels like a re-do of Rocky, except Rocky . They were on a trip away to wean the youngest from their mothers. On their face, the contents of the FBI Vault documents appear to contradict the allegations made by former Special Agent Martinez: they include statements from multiple officers involved in the investigation from various agencies to the effect that they experienced no overt interference in their work from the CIA. Read the full article at Mint Press News. In October 2021, journalist Derrick Broze sat down with Tobe Are you ready for open & honest investigative journalism? According to Pettie himself, the Finders began in the 1930s in Washington, D.C. At that time Pettie was a high school dropout and a sergeant in the U.S. Army. The mothers were found and contacted. U.S. Representative Charlie Rose (D-N.C.) even met with Clements to discuss the case. The first reports in all the major U.S. newspapers at the time disclosed the fact that the Finders were headquartered in Culpeper, Virginia on a 90-acre farm. A man named Skip Clements allegedly communicated the U.S. Customs documents and other records to then-Florida Rep. Tom Lewis (R) and North Carolina Rep. Charlie Rose (D). Many of these groups seemed like shell companies used by government agencies, including the CIA. I can tell you that weve got a lot of people scrambling, and that wouldnt be happening if there was nothing here.. By initially sensationalizing the issue via the framing of the Finders as a satanic cult, the media profited from immediate shock value while permitting this very sensationalism to become the premise for dismissing other aspects of the story and Finders ties to the CIA to remain unexplored. This series will challenge both the sensationalism and the silence of establishment media surrounding the Finders narrative by examining the allegations made by the U.S. Customs documents in view of the FBIs more recent Vault publications, which shed fresh light on the connections between the Finders and the U.S. intelligence apparatus. That March the State of Florida dropped all charges against the pair. Initially, Tallahassee police were concerned that the children might have been kidnapped and were being trafficked across state lines. $225 USD 2 backers. This cult was alleged to be involved with international child trafficking, Satanic worship and mind control techniques. "Finders Keepers" is the odyssey of a rogue amputated leg, as found in a grill that was left for months in an abandoned storage locker. First, a multitude of large, often critically placed redactions plague the documents, the most important of which are not labeled with privacy exemptions but are instead labeled S, presumably meaning that the information is classified as secret. Pettie, whose nicknames included The Student, The Stroller, The Game Caller, and The Pathfinder, forced his female followers to initiate sexual relationships. Rank. I contacted Martinez in 2017 and confirmed that he authored the document and that it is genuine, but to date, he has otherwise refused to go on record to comment on the matter with me. Pt 1 (Documentary), Who Will Find What The Finders Hide? Originally, Ammerman and Houlihan (real name later discovered to be Michael James Holwell) claimed that they were transporting the kids to a school for gifted children in Mexico. Epigenetics Exposes Darwinian Biology as a Religion Your DNA Does NOT Determine Your Health! It also became clear that the Finders were highly skilled with early computer technology, which would become a major aspect of the case as it unfolded. Below are the pictures she received after going public with the message that this was bigger than a one-predator game. Questioning of the children lead to some interesting results. What then is so potentially dangerous about Q Anonymous? Martinez echoed Clements in saying that he believed that the U.S. intelligence community was involved with the Finders.[8]. It was developed by Finnish startup Valossa, a company that was founded. Clements proved persistent, and in November 1993, the Department of Justice sent out a memo requesting that the Finders be re-investigated to see if they had any ties to U.S. intelligence. Telling the true story of the November 1983 armed robbery, it explains how 6,800 bars of gold were taken, worth 26 . [1] The story details John Wood's attempts to recover his mummified leg from Shannon Whisnant, after Whisnant found the leg in a grill purchased at a storage unit auction. See: If our website is seized and shut down, find us on Telegram, as well as Bitchute and Odysee for further instructions about where to find us. The Finders group was found to have multiple properties in Washington, D.C. and a farm in rural Madison County, Virginia. Shauna Giesbrecht . The Vault. That phone call would kick off the Finders scandal: a series of events and multiple investigations even more bizarre than the initial report. webcast. On February 4, 1987, police officers in Tallahassee, Florida were alerted by a female caller about six filthy and unkempt children playing in a park. This is a campaign to help fund a trip to Washington DC to film interviews for a documentary about a little known but much maligned group known as The Finders. News reports across the countryheadlinedallegations ofritual abusefor approximately six days after the initial arrests, before a tidal shift by both the media and authoritiesbeganon February 10. Clearly, Martinezs account detailing what he witnessed presents a strong counter-narrative to the official story. In November 2019, the FBI declassified nearly 650 pages relating to a group known as The Finders. The Vault is our new FOIA Library, containing 6,700 documents and other media that have been scanned from paper into digital copies so you can read them in the comfort of your home or office. 1 Campaign |. One of the more unusual aspects of the Finders case is the repeat connections to China, especially Hong Kong (then a British colony). The Finders: CIA Ties to Child Sex Cult Obscured as Coverage Goes from Sensationalism to Silence, transporting the children to a school for brilliant children in Mexico, hundreds of Finders investigation documents, Media Ignore Seymour Hersh Bombshell Report of US Destroying Nord Stream II, Openly Pro-Israel Tech Group Now Has Control over UKs Most Sensitive National Security Data. Q believes see in President Trump a champion and fighter against elite pedophilia. The FBIs Vault publication includes records from the preliminary Tallahassee police department investigation, the MPD investigation, heavily redacted records from the U.S. Customs Service, documents from the Washington Metro Field Office (WMFO) of the FBI, and other agencies, as well as the correspondence and documentation of the 1993 inquiry, mostly from the WMFO to FBI Headquarters. Yet, when one looks closely, the documents also corroborate significant aspects of Martinezs allegations and substantiate questions regarding the Finders links with intelligence. Then there is the phenomenon of information disappearing outright, including vanishing evidence and instances of records never having been kept, resulting in conflicting accounts of the existence of critical pieces of evidence. The State Department eventually replied there did not seem to be any violation with any of the passports. The story exploded on a national scale after investigators linked the pair, identified as Douglas Ammerman and Michael Houlihan (also referred to as Michael Holwell), with a Washington D.C.-based group known as the Finders, which authorities publicly referred to as a cult. Initially, Tallahassee police reported that at least two of the children showed signs of sexual abuse. Another problem involves the fact that information requested by some agencies especially during the 1993 preliminary inquiry into a CIA coverup was not provided to the relevant investigating agencies. Don't Pick Up the Phone. The Finders were founded by a mysterious man with military connections nicknamed "The Game Caller" who believed in turning his life, and the lives of those around him, into a constant game or experiment. This is in consequence of the lack of adult victims who have come forward, an absence of hard evidence viewable to the public, and an absence of extensive trials or convictions. The U.S. Customs Service also became involved as there was evidence of the group being involved in the production and distribution of child pornography. When a man purchases a grill, it also includes a mummified leg, which he insists on keeping despite the protests of the amputee it belongs to. I think it is interesting to mention here that Johny Goschs mother (the paperboy kidnapped in 1982 the original milk carton missing child boy) is known for receiving pictures of her son after going public with accusations of a powerful and nationally connected child trafficking group as her sons abductors. The Seal and Mark of God is Far More Important than the Mark of the Beast Are You Prepared for Whats Coming? Documents from the Tallahassee Police Department released in 2017 seemed to shed light on the allegation that the investigation was shut down due to a possible cover-up by an intelligence agency. Clements has stated time and time again that the CIA was using the Finders as a front to train special agents. When asked what the men taught them, the oldest said they are taught How to play games. They said they lived with their mothers, although were not allowed *inside* of the house. The Finders is only available for rent or buy starting at $0.99. Recently, American journalist Tom ONeill has drawn attention to the high number of CIA and CIA-affiliated men who surrounded Manson prior, during, and after the infamous Tate-LaBianca murders. Youngs arrest for torture and the premeditated murder of a young boy known as Moses led some online commentators to draw parallels with the Finders, who operated in Florida around the same time. Other photos showed adults and children covered in blood. key makeup artist (11 episodes, 2012) Kathy C. King . Photos taken from the D.C. warehouse, as well as an apartment used by the group, showed children standing next to slaughtered goats. Rocky II (1979) We've now moved into "these aren't bad movies, per se, but we gotta rank them" territory. Also, the February 1987 search of the Washington, D.C. warehouse turned up computers that were found to contain emails exchanged between the members regarding such things as explosives and terrorism. See: This incredible video is MUST WATCHING for anyone who has not viewed it yet, to more fully understand the times we currently live in, and how we got here. The Finders were an obscure spiritual group based in Washington D.C. [1] Under the leadership of Marion Pettie it "flourished underground for decades" [2] and appears to have received protection by the US deep state after interest from US authorities. Due to this evidence being found, a farm also belonging to The Finders in Nethers, Virginia was raided. Starring John Wood Shannon Whisnant Mark Hamilton. That phone call would kick off the Finders scandal: a series of events and multiple investigations even more bizarre than the initial report. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. If you have reached this point, we hope you have tried all the obvious sources such as searching this site , Amazon.com, Google, and the top search engines. They also spoke to press and insisted they were in no means part of a Satanic group, but rather a communal sort of group of intellectuals. They were arrested for child abuse. VICE News Provides Cover For The Finders Cult, The Finders: Full US Customs Report Released, Full Unreleased Interview with Finders Spokesman Robert Terrell, Deep Dive: Second FBI Finders Document Dump, Deep Dive: The Finders FBI Files #3 (Full Version), The Conscious Resistance Network presents: The Finders Cult Archive, EXCLUSIVE: 2021 Interview with Finders Cult Member Tobe Terrell. They all seemed extremely hungry. The story exploded on a national scale after investigators linked the pair, identified as Douglas Ammerman and Michael Houlihan (also referred to as Michael Holwell), with a Washington D.C.-based group known as the Finders, which authorities publicly referred to as a cult. Initially, Tallahassee police reported that at least two of the children showed signs of sexual abuse. The importance of this book extends beyond the individual, personal dimension, for it is likely that our survival as a species will depend on the degree to which we take the implications of The Finders to heart." 3,035 likes. Follow. When other self-proclaimed kidnapping victims came forward, Mrs. Gosch was told that Johnny had been abducted by a particular group with connections to the CIA. Officers noted that the youngest ones had no diapers on and had been taught that the ground outside was their bathroom. The Finders After decades of research on the science of true happiness and fundamental wellbeingDr. See: Much of this underground network was revealed in 2016 with the Podesta leaked documents, although the corporate media brushed it aside as a conspiracy theory called PizzaGate, and instead focused on trying to link Donald Trump to Russian election interference, while on the Right a psyop was launched known as Q to protect Trump from coming under any suspicion for his involvement with Jeffrey Epstein and this underground network. You can watch the trailers, and sometimes extended interviews. The Finders 2016 1 h 15 m IMDb RATING 6.4 /10 22 YOUR RATING Rate Drama When the beloved Mayor's son is almost kidnapped, she finds the very institutions she thought were there to help and protect her - are now out to get her. A secrative group with suggested satanic ties. The Finders case came out during the height of the so-called Satanic panic of the 1980s. These clues initially led police to believe that the Finders were a survivalist group. Martinez wrote that he was unable to review the evidence collected at the locations after multiple attempts to do so, and that he was eventually told by a third party at the MPD precinct that the Finders group had come under the protection of the CIA, which had interfered with the investigation by deeming the issue an internal matter, and had the case files labeled Secret, with no further action to be taken or evidence available for review. Multiple companies are blacked out, perhaps because they are still active. Here is an excerpt from a news paper article documented by the FBI: In the van, a few photos were found that lead investigators to believe child sexual exploitation was happening, and possibly even Satanic worship. The Finders create control files on politicians and people in high places using children. Dortmund X RB Leipzig - Ao Vivo Grtis HD Sem Travar | Futebol Grtis HD. Police in Moscow, Idaho previously said that they believed a fixed-blade style knife was used in the crime and a probable cause affidavit used in the arrest of Kohberger said that a knife sheath . The case of the Finders has many of the same hallmarks of the McMartin case (all the charges against main suspect Ray Buckey were dismissed in 1990). Then there is the phenomenon of information disappearing outright, including vanishing evidence and instances of records never having been kept, resulting in conflicting accounts of the existence of critical pieces of evidence. When the men failed to give proper identification or explain who the parents of the children were, they were arrested and the children were brought in for questioning. WASHINGTON Concerning the Finders cult the elusive Washington, D.C.-based outfit whose antics and ties we began examining in Part 1 of this series one set of documents in particular held the most explosive allegations made against the group and against the CIA for allegedly covering the story up. ONeills book, CHAOS, spins a fascinating web that hints at the idea that Charles Manson and his followers were wrapped up in two counter-insurgency operationsthe FBIs COINTELPRO and the CIAs Operation CHAOSas well as the CIAs MKULTRA program. Police found brochures, photos, books on mind control, indices, and computers.
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