Fixed Yunnan having an integration decision available too early because of a missing flag. Added some checks to Icelands national spirits. This will force it to demobilize, at least for a while. Heavenly Announcements national focus for Sichuan now gives at hit to stability and war support, instead of AutDem popularity. Fixed the New York City province not being urban. Argentinas Manuel Domecq Garcia can now also become a political advisor. The Panama Canal, Suez Canal and Singapore are no longer granted claims by all countries when annexed in the occupation event. Improved the AI logic for most countries in preparing for war, while completing several national focuses or decisions which lead to war declaration. Added Starodub as a new state in Ukraine, replacing Podolia. Buffed the Ottoman pluralist constitution. Added Panama naval minister to Centroamerica if Panama does not exist, and Centroamerica controls Panama. Some improvements on the Mexico / Costa Rica Peace Deal. Added an event pic for the 4th of July event for the USA. Japan must now be losing the naval war to unlock Kamikazes. Added a description for "Resistance to Andesia" spirit for Patagonia. Fixed New England getting the Reconstruction tree if they never entered the war. Fixed the missing portrait for Morocco's generic admiral. Fixed Tibets focus to claim Tawang not having an effect. The IMRO will now stay around for longer if Bulgaria is NatPop and controlled by a player. Fixed Holland not turning RadSoc upon overthrowing the monarchy. Fixed Totalist Mexico not declaring on New England, if New England is attacking the Combined Syndicates, and Mexico intervenes on behalf of the latter. Fixed Tawang no longer being a core of the Bharatiya Commune. The United Kingdom no longer gets Service By Requirement upon spawning. Added coring decisions for Centroamerica annexing Costa Rica and Panama. Updated the text for Qings Manchu Coup to clarify that it is a coup by the Manchu aristocracy, not that group as a whole. Added Basque/Catalan/Spanish endonyms for Labourd and Roussillon. NatPop United Baltic Duchy can now integrate Switzerland. Natal now gets wargoals on any African countries that South Africa is at war with when the civil war starts. Mittelafrika - converted the Cape to Cairo national foci to decisions. WIF can no longer get spontaneous coups late game or when a conflicting game rule is enabled. Fixed Insulindia getting volunteers after their war with the Dutch East Indies is already over. Fixed Russia not getting Bessarabia when Romania cedes it. Happy Chandler now sides with the Feds during the Second American Civil War. Fixed the Russian socialists attacking Germany not triggering the Second Weltkrieg events. Sweden - focus tree improvements - focus durations are reduced, added new icons, focus effects, implemented several new focuses and balance changes. Fixed Van Severen in Flanders from being locked out of his focus tree. Adjusted the Chief of Army trait for the Commune of Frances Georges Catroux. Fixed Bulgarias Mission to Kostantiniyye national focus being available after the Fourth Balkan War has already started. If the Bolivian NatPops take over after the Syndicalists are elected, their first national focus is unlocked to allow their focus tree to be completed. Fixed the position of Austin, USA on the map. Added names to the United States National Guard divisions. Canada no longer steals New England from MacArthur unless set to by game rule. Merged the Labrador and New Quebec states in Canada. 1.9 is here! (Hey, Hey, Kerensky! Fixed Shandong's Legation Cities loan counter not updating. Added a focus for war for the Jujuy path in Bolivia. Serbia should now attack Austria as soon as the latter joins the WK. Slight tweaks to Cyrenaica, who now tells other countries when they are being assisted by them. Added renames in the Andes for Totalist Peru and Ecuador to Quechua, Aymara and Guaran. All content for dealing with the Legation Cities, the concessions, Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet is now unified, and gated behind proclaiming the Republic of China. Every ideology has a . Scotland and Wales now inherit the technology of the Union of Britain, when they are released. Improved the national focus changes that occur in the different paths for Iraq, so that they use the new Uncomplete Focus effect that has been added to the game by Paradox. Added short descriptions for all of Mittelafrikas state modifiers. Fixed some Chinese generals not joining their unifier when their home areas are integrated. The Ottomans can now complete the Reorganise the Azeri Vilayets national focus, if they have puppeted Azerbaijan. Nerfed the Consumer Goods bonuses in Sichuans Federalists-in-exile path. Expanded the Mexico / Entente Peace Deal to also cover Centroamerica attacking Costa Rica or Panama. Added Manuel Barreto Risco and Jos Agustn Haya de la Torre as generals for syndicalist Peru. In the American Union State, Pelley can no longer get the generals of the other participants of the civil war, even if pardoned - they'll refuse to serve him. The Left Kuomintangs Wang Jingwei can no longer perform the Local Democratic Government national focus. Changed Colours for Mali and Senegal to a darker white and blue respectively. Updated Austria's Syndicalist Menace decision for joining the Reichspakt, taking socialist Poland into account. Fixed several problems with countries retaining inappropriate states after annexation decisions. Fixed Paraguay committing ritual suicide by attacking an Argentina that has peacefully unified. If the PatAuts win the 1942 Irish elections, they are now joined in coalition by the NatPops, as is mentioned in the text. Added Tang Shizun and Guo Xunqi to Sichuan, as generals aligned with Liu Xiang (though the latter will defect alongside Pan Wenhua to the Officer Department). Increased Omans likelihood of doing the national focus Compromises For Our Independence. Added bypasses to the Persian war focuses. Improved New Englands economic build-up AI prioritisation. Removed the African Minors generic national focus tree for now, pending review of effects, and rebalancing with the new Irregular units. Fixed the Second in Command of a country not properly being referred by name in the text. Countries that annex Assyria will now return the lands to Iraq. Slightly tweaked the process involved to form Scandinavia. Fixed Fengtian and Shanxis map colour, when puppeted by L-KMT. Germany will now compete with Russia for Eastern European states in Peace Conferences. MacArthur can now fail the occupation of Philadelphia. Depending on who you support in Lianguangs Labour Disputes event (peasants, or merchants), you will now be able to hire more of their divisions via decision, during the Lianguang civil war. Fixed the USA being able to work with allies without the needed focus. Fixed the inability to remove the Emigration national spirit as SocLib United Baltic Duchy. Fixed an Internationale / Entente war not causing World Tension. Fixed Chinese decision to peace with Legation Cities' backer being unavailable for AI. Decreased the focus duration of the Protector of the Balkans national focuses. Fixed being able to give Thrace to Turkey without them owning Adrianople. Fixed Metaxas in Greece having a syndicalist popularity increased, instead of PatAut. Updated AI focus priority for the United Baltic Duchy. Fixed Bulgarias event about General Vazov not firing. Hopefully thisll be the first and only hotfix needed for The Duke and the Hertzog, and weve tackled some pretty big problems while introducing a few small balance changes along the way. Norways Quisling now joins the Reichspakt or Moscow Accord based on whether a neighbouring Scandinavian country went socialist or aligned with Germany. Left KMT can no longer cancel their congress events. The Ottoman Empire can no longer send its military missions to countries that already have them. Vytautas now gets a small amount of legitimacy from becoming a figurehead. Japans Fading Sun peace mechanic with China has now been changed. Added a description for Canadas Prince Albert. Denmark will now always simply join the Reichspakt during the Weltkrieg unless they are ruled by the social democrats to prevent issues with events that didnt anticipate this behavior. The Commune of France will now always keep most of its units facing German allies, and will be less inclined to send troops elsewhere. Fixed Albania remaining a kingdom if Wied is assassinated. Renamed some states on the Malay peninsula. Fixed Nicaragua attacking Costa Rica while the latter is in a faction. The Division Limit formula has been further refined. Fixed mismatched effect and text in the Manchu Qing events and decisions to attack the Ma Clique and Concessions. Fixed Cuba not actually sending volunteers to the US. Updated Japans war declaration AI to account for the new setup. Releasing Nyasaland now requires Zambesia and Zimbabwe to be released first. Fixed the League of Eight Provinces missions to rescue governors firing after the War of the Five Provinces has ended. Removed ideology drift from national spirits in Peru. Fixed the animation for Polish marines and mountaineers. Fixed the Japan-Entente war flag not being set correctly. Added a notification event for American Civil War participants, for when Mexico intervenes on behalf of the Combined Syndicates. Fixed a Canadian, Australasian and South Africa effect actually making generals worse instead of improving them. Added new naval national foci for the Left Kuomintang. Fixed Japan attacking the Reichspakt too soon. Azania can now be given, or can annex Kenya, Ruanda, Uganda and Urundi. Overhauled the Indian portraits and rosters. Britain's admiralty idea is no longer weaker than Canada's. Changed the flag and name of puppet socialist Japan. Pro-Japan Legation Cities no longer give a guarantee to Fengtian. The American Civil War's Legation Marines event no longer fires if the Legation Cities have collapsed. For the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, countries that turn socialist now refute the Port Said Convention. Made Japans Busan negotiations more clear. Gaining cores in China is now based on compliance, with access to a special occupation law. Buffed the building slots that Venezuela gets from national spirits. Slight nerf to CNT-FAI, with slight buffs to the Kingdom of Spain and the Carlists. Two Brazilian victory points have been adjusted to their correct location. Fixed the leader of the United Provinces of China faction not properly being selected in events. Reflection of the Moon in the Erquan Pool is the new main theme. Greece now can continue the war with the Ottomans, if they are peaced out when the Megali War and War in the Desert coincide. Removed an invalid modifier in a Serbian national spirit. Slightly decreased the World Tension from the Italian Civil War. Added infrastructure/logistics decisions for Fengtian. Rebalanced the starting Union of Britains shipbuilding queue, carriers and battleships replaced with cruisers and destroyers. If Qing turns into a republic, PatAuts are now in coalition with the AutDem ruling government. Renamed the Mittelafrikan states East New Cameroon, Kivu and Ubangi to New Cameroon, Kiwu and Lower Sangha respectively. Fixed an exploit allowing Two Sicilies to attack the Socialist Republic of Italy in early 1936. Fixed the West Indies bypassing the Depression Woes national focus twice. Fengtian should no longer call for non-Chinese aid. Japan will no longer return Okhotsk and Kamchatka to Transamur immediately after receiving the territory.
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