The cards are split about 50/50 between good and awful, and it is widely regarded as one of the most powerful artifacts in Dungeons & Dragons. In one instance he convinces a drunkard to pull a card, and the drunkard gets two wishes out of it. [15], After the defeat of Vecna, Grog in Whitestone decided to pull a card from the deck to celebrate the banishment of a lich-god. Now the PC's are beholden to the Countof Antioch, to seek out and return the Deck of Many Things from the thief that stole it from them (or be doomed to evade his guards for the rest of their lives! 2. Then again, don't know if I would be willing to watch 3-4 hours of shaky cam with shit audio. The avatar fights until you die or it drops to 0 hit points, whereupon it disappears. Works slightly better with the harrow deck of many things (the names are a bit more descriptive). Thus, Grog was awarded a rare magic weapon: a Dancing Sword. For those that followed the first CR campaign, you might remember Grog's use of the deck of many things. I makeart on here (my art thread) and on Redbubble:Some-bloke's Redbubble shop. Grog pulled "The Void": his soul was immediately sucked from his body and contained in an object in a place of the DM's choice. Devo'ssa gives the advice to not wait to fight Raishan on her terms and then takes their leave, their debt repaid. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. The front of each had a hand inked image which indicates what each card does. #CriticalRole All the players have a good reason to want to see the noble dead - have them come up with them themselves. [Spoilers C1E115] Grog Deck of Many Things One Shot. One of the items he found was a beautifully engraved wooden box. This things reputation can lead to trouble with metagaming. As much of a frustration it is sometimes that they removed exact pricing for items (you only get an approximate range based on rarity, described in the DMG Magic Items section), it is actually a good way to move from "monster-loot-xp" towards a story based approach. Comet. Vex suggests that it's likely a necromancer, given that Raishan took Thordak's dead body. The party decides they should take immediate action before Raishan either succeeds with whatever she's up to or moves on to where they can't find her. I know I can do whatever I want as DM, but I'm wondering if there's something notable about the DOMT that might prevent me from using it this way (e.g. The Lord of the Quadroads proudly declared that he still had one wish left, and ran off to his waiting carriage. Laura Bailey Vex'ahliaTaliesin Jaffe PercyLiam O'Brien Vax'ildanMarisha Ray KeylethSam Riegel ScanlanTravis Willingham Grogand Matthew Mercer as the Dungeon Master Gem. However, he decided to wait until he could open it with his good friend, Pike. Posted by 3 years ago. The First Pull Intrigued by the cards, Grog pulled one from the middle of the deck. Otherwise, as soon as you draw a card from the deck, its magic takes effect. Every magic item you wear or carry disintegrates. Star. If you fail to draw the chosen number, the remaining number of cards fly from the deck on their own and take effect all at once. A horrified Grog realized that he fucked up. @WillingBlam @samriegel @CriticalRole @CritRoleFanart #criticalrolefanart . Gilmore, who has been listening intently, is seen to have a glowing rune on his forehead. Some folks will get lucky and become either extremely wealthy or powerful or both. 33. Beyond the Cloudtop gate, the battle continues in the streets. "Talks Machina #9: 'What Lies Beneath the Surface'" (TMx09) Fool. Any cards pulled greater than the number declared have no effect. Balance. This page was last edited on August 23, 2022, at 07:17. The Deck of Many Things is a set of extraordinarily magical cards set in the world of DnD Fifth Edition (5e) and Pathfinder (1e & 2e). The Void. Consumable. TheDonjon traps them in suspended animation and hides them away from all forms of magical detection, other than a Wish spell. Portable property vanishes. Archived [Spoilers C1E115] Grog Deck of Many Things One Shot. After some deliberation, they all agree that resting up would be best. Each card has a different effect: either amazing and great or immensely destructive. [9], Grog tried to stealthily pocket the remaining twelve cards, but he failed with a Natural 1. Vex, Vax, and Percy warned against it, but Scanlan was willing to move forward with the one-card deal. You draw no more cards. They're too scared to touch the thing. Grog begins checking around for loot and finds unimaginable wealth tucked into the cavern. Vox Machina then spent two weeks making their way through the halls of Pandemonium. The party discusses with Daxio that the Clasp has earned a portion of the money, given their aid with the survivors during Thordak's occupation. This was Matt retconning his mistake from the previous episode, as the card drawn by Grog was actually "Euryale". Unless the card is the Fool or the Jester, the card reappears in the deck, making it possible to draw the same card twice. You draw no more cards. As always, you DMs are incredibly helpful. After Scanlan left, Vex discovered Scanlan had been using drugs. They also tell her of the need to guard the city's wealth, and she calls Warmaster Mikael Daxio over to ask him for the assistance of his troops. The two eggs are with her, and she is rifling through books. Apparently, she's received information that your party is the culprit, and when she's able to search your PC's, she finds the box and pouch they were contained in, but not the deck itself. With the Flames card, the enmity is overt. Remove certain cards. The first he uses immediately to become a "powerful lord of the quadroads", the second wish is never discussed. Special Guest(s) The Deck of Many Things and the Deck of Many Fates are the perfect accessory for your adventuring party. [8] Travis drew the Queen of Spades, which Matt misread as "Key". Starting here, the simulacrum is going to determine how many cards they intend to draw and then will draw them. While checking for interesting items, he comes across another Immovable rod and a small wooden box. This wiki contains spoilers for all stories of Critical Role. Grog the Goliath Barbarian of Vox Machina discovered the Deck of Many Things in Episode 81 of Campaign 1. "Deadly Echoes" (1x82) Eventually they moved on to other offers, and the discussion was interrupted by an attack. They make their way to the castle and are met by Cassandra, who is very glad to see them all alive, albeit a terrible mess. Permanently reduce your Intelligence by 1d4 + 1 (to a minimum score of 1). He drops the deck while trying to hide it and Vex picks it up. Not knowing how, he first snorts some and it burns very badly, but then he packs some into the flute that J'mon Sa Ord gave him and smokes it. Usually found in a box or pouch, this deck contains a number of cards made of ivory or vellum. Usually found in a box or pouch, this deck contains a number of cards made of ivory or vellum. The Deck of Many Deals $9.99. so they draw again. Warcries of humanoids and of giant-kin are heard all around, and flashes of flame can be seen over the wall. [art 2]. I'm planning an NPC for an upcoming campaign set in Exandria, and could use some advice: For those that followed the first CR campaign, you might rememberGrog's use of the deck of many things. Being a studious child, Percy had read myths and legends about glory and woe all revolving around the Deck of Many Things. You remain imprisoned until you are found and removed from the sphere. As DM, you canalsodecide (and the spell sort of encourages you) to add an ironic consequence to the Wish--in this case, the person wished for the Deck of Many things and received it, but the ironic side is he drew cards that punished, rather than helped, him. Collections. Kerrek reassures her, and Devo'ssa is amused by the "drama of such short lives." You control this character. This Deck of Many Things is the perfect gift for the Game Master closest to you and any other TTRPG player! [13], When Pike learned about the deck, she was just as curious as Grog, but convinced Grog to wait until a very special occasion to pull the next one. Reality's fabric unravels and spins anew, allowing you to avoid or erase one event as if it never happened. [15], After the defeat of Vecna, Grog in Whitestone decided to pull a card from the deck to celebrate the banishment of a lich-god. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Most (75 percent) of these decks have only thirteen cards, but the rest have twenty-two. Moon. In either case, the PC's will need to secure the deck during transport, and keep it secure before it's sold. Funny story, so in a campaign (session 2 and we were level 2) my DM gave us a deck of many things with none of the bad cards and the cards don't delete themselves. Talons. The Lord of the Quadroads thanked Grog, who introduced himself as "Grog Strongjaw, Maker of Kings". possibly just before the Vizier comes to town! Usually found in a box or pouch, this deck contains a number of cards made of ivory or vellum. He's a man of influence and power who wants more, so he blackmailed someone in the platinum sanctuary to give him the deck. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. State your wish to the GM as precisely as possible. No word yet on whether a VoD will be available. And high level characters should know the risks, and also should be able to overcome the negative consequences. Each deck contains a number of cards or . Their last live show had major sound issues as well, so I am pretty sure they are looking to avoid the same issues this time. Allura also takes a drink, seemingly without any repercussions. DISCLAIMER. It has an ')' at . Several cards in the deck can unceremoniously kill or (nearly) irreversibly incapacitate this character, rendering any lore or planning built around them worthless. And after killing the other three members of the Conclave, you went in with armies at your back, Ashari in the sky who laid siege to the city as you snuck beneath the streets of Emon, emerging on the outskirts of the Cloudtop District. Next would be finding someone wealthy enough to afford it, and mad enough to want it! Flames. It seems so cool and random at first but it is utterly game destroying unless folks don't mind rolling up new characters. If anyone tries to help you, the helper summons its own Avatar of Death. In the case of the Rogue card, the enmity is secret and should come from someone thought to be a friend or an ally. :-). Contents 1 Synopsis 1.1 Pre-Show 1.2 Announcements 1.3 Previously on Critical Role 1.4 Part I 1.5 Break 1.6 Part II 2 Featured Characters For example, in Critical Role when Grog is in the final battle between Vecna and Vox Machina, Grog didn't pull from the deck, even though some of the good abilities would be really good, and could let them win the fight. After an aide cast Identify on the deck and realized the incredibly dangerous arcane power of the item,[18] Highbearer Vord arranged for the Deck of Many Things to be sealed away in the vaults beneath the Platinum Sanctuary (the same vaults that now house the Horn of Orcus recovered by Vox Machina in Yug'Voril). Each card has a different effect: either amazing and great or immensely destructive. There are lots of non-game-breaking ways you can use a Deck of Many Things to add some spice to your game; several of which don't even involve pulling a card. Everything you were wearing and carrying stays behind in the space you occupied when you disappeared. Turning Immunity. Only a god or the magic of The Fates card can end this curse. You are granted the ability to cast the wishspell 1d3 times. You disappear and become entombed in a state of suspended animation in an extradimensional sphere. The Deck of Many Things, including the card names and magical effects (as described on pages 216-218 of the SRD 5.1), is NOT the property of Game Master's Merchant, it is Open Game Content, as defined by the OGL. I randomly rolled this as treasure in a pretty high tiered dungeon with tough encounters. However, you were then kept at bay by a Wall of Force as Raishan took two of Thordak's strangely existing eggs and flew into a tunnel towards the corpse of Thordak and then disappeared in a flash of purple energy before the wall dropped and you all just arrived, halfway through the tunnel where the corpse of Thordak once lay, to find it missing along with Raishan and the eggs that she had gathered.". Deal with it and bring your "A game" to the table, and it can be an amazing experience. Grog opened the sleeve and saw about thirteen tarot cards. On the other hand, some folks will likely die or suffer a really nasty, debilitating and not fun side effect. As soon as a character draws a card from the deck, its magic immediately takes effect. Word spreads that all of Thordak's forces have either fled or been slain. Cookies help us deliver our services. [13], When Pike learned about the deck, she was just as curious as Grog, but convinced Grog to wait until a very special occasion to pull the next one. Nothing on my channel is Monetized. {{art caption}}: autoformat art credits/captions, {{infobox character}}: infobox for character pages, {{infobox episode}}: infobox for episode pages, {{new artist category}}: boilerplate for new artist category pages, {{new character}}: boilerplate for new character pages, {{new episode}}: boilerplate template for new episode pages, Articles needing presumption confirmation. Twenty-five pieces of jewelry worth 2,000 gp each or fifty gems worth 1,000 gp each appear at your feet. ENHANCE YOUR CAMPAIGN. [1], The deck found by Vox Machina had the following 13 cards:[2], While looting the lair of Thordak beneath Emon, Grog began searching for "unique-looking knick-knacks or really lovely/dangerous-looking weapons." While your soul is trapped in this way, your body is incapacitated. The Deck of Many Things was featured in Campaign 1 of Critical Role! Low level characters get a huge level up that throws everything out of whack, high level characters with long stories just disappear and you have no say in the matter. 19th. He pulls a card and it disappears in his hand, replaced by a beautiful scimitar. Most (75 percent) of these decks have only thirteen cards, but the rest have twenty-two. Grog drew a card from the Deck of Many Things. Campaign One,Episode81(C1E81) This would put them in position to become an immensely powerful BBEG, stealing the deck back "because they wanted to", drawing the right cards "because they wanted to", that sort of thing. NEATLINGS Chore Cards Self-Care Deck 34 Self-Care Chores & 21 Ticket Cards Reward & Responsibility Dark Blue. The GM has great latitude in ruling what occurs in such an instance; the greater the wish, the greater the likelihood that something goes wrong. This includes the story for unaired episodes of The Legend of Vox Machina, as it's based on the first campaign of Critical Role from 2015-2017. Feeling guilty for also having kept something serious from everyone else, Vex confessed to Grog and gave him back the Deck of Many Things. The avatar is immune to features that turn undead. You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill, and you double your proficiency bonus on checks made with that skill. It can be a challenge to apply the effects, but can really take your stories to new heights with a great DM.I get the fear people have for the Deck of Many Things, but I have added it to my games to the delight and horror of me and my players. Vex confirms with Allura that she'll be joining them in the fight, and Allura says she's honored. 2 offers from $14.99. Kerrek tells his allies to stay behind and they form a perimeter at the gate. I would like to build out this drunkard-now-lord (or a descendant) as an NPC, and also get the DOMT out of the vault and back in play. I hate this thing. Podcast If you are true neutral or unaligned, this card has no effect on you. You can have him pull whatever cards you want, or maybe he hasn't pulled any yet because he's trying to lie low or get away. In full power, you tore into Thordak and while many blows were sustained on both sides of the fray, Thordak fell in the battlefield. [14], When Sprigg asked for something of power in exchange for allowing Vox Machina to look through his books for information leading to Ioun, Grog offered to let Sprigg pull one card from the deck. Before Vex could pull a card (tempted by Grog's explanation that they create weapons), Percy warned her not to draw and to be very careful: those cards could make a lot of bad things. Assuming he can wish himself the DOMT: What suggestions would you have for the next card(s) he draws that ultimately cause his downfall? Why would a PC declare that she will draw more than one card at a time if there is no . You have a lot of options for the third and final card they would draw as part of this action. Donjon. You lose 10,000 XP, discard this card, and draw from the deck again, counting both draws as one of your declared draws. Then he gets out and walks away. Is your DnD or Pathfinder campaign getting stale? Perhaps they have to rescue the man from suspended animation. Keyleth describes the island that she saw in her Scry and Kerrek recognizes that volcanic islands tend to be south of Tal'Dorei, near the Hespet Archipelago. Each wonderous card contains enormous arcane power that will massively change the direction of your campaign. They've drawn 3 cards (1 of which was drawn by a former pc turned npc). I was able to cast Wish three times. This is all great stuff. One or more powerful beings guard the place. Knight. Key. Originally Posted by Lapak. For the sake of the epilogue, the rest of the party (returning to their lives and relaxing) found Grog's catatonic body. Pike arrived just in time to see Grog pull a card, but decided to just do nothing: preferring to watch and see what happened. My thoughts on the Void card: Just keeping the soul in an object makes no sense, at least from the point of view of whatever entity made the cards or acquires the soul. Scanlan takes Jarett Howarth aside, thanks him for his efforts, and casts Modify Memory on him to make him think that he feels sorry for Scanlan's emotional state and that he'd agreed to get Scanlan much more suude. It appears in a space of the GM's choice within 10 feet of you and attacks you, warning all others that you must win the battle alone. This has the advantage of ironically tying in the "Wish" element, but also removes the NPC from the game until discovered, so it might not work so well with what you want to do. The Fates. Grog tried to trade the Periapt of Wound Closure to Vex in order to get his deck back, but Vex tricked him by giving him a leather pouch with rocks inside. He was the dumbest of us all. I do not follow Critical Role, so it is possible my comment might conflict with their campaign. edit: formatting is being a bytch. Another take: What if he just strong-armed (financially, politically, physically, whatever suits you) the platinum sanctuary to get the deck? It's your game, have fun with it! You take a 2 penalty on saving throws while cursed in this way. Episode VOD Vex gives Grog back his deck of many thingor does she?Critical role is the tale of Vox Machina, in Exandria, Created by Matt Mercer and Presented on Geek and Sundrys Twitch, Wesbite and Utube channel.The skilled and talented people who make these things get all the revenue from the ads on these vids. Depends on your DM, the world (or, the instance of it your group is using), and your abilities to locate a buyer. Armor Class 20 Hit Points half the hit point maximum of its summoner Speed 60 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover), Condition Immunitiescharmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, unconscious, Sensesdarkvision 60 ft., truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 13, Languages all languages known to its summoner. All forms of wealth that you carry or own, other than magic items, are lost to you. Failure results in pulling out the DoMT by mistake and pulling a card. As they discuss their options, Allura volunteers to help since she's no longer needed to keep up the barrier at Whitestone, and her tongue begins to go numb. The Deck of Many Weapons. Natural one means five cards. He tears the box open and finds a small deck of cards. The bottom line is that a deck of many things USED by the players is a gaming disaster waiting to happen. A nonplayer character of the GM's choice becomes hostile toward you. After a lot of drinking and fighting, Grog simply ran out of stuff to keep himself entertained. It does not appear as though it will be live streamed and nothing has been said as of yet of when or if it will be aired.. Before Grog could throw the deck into nearby lava, Vex came over and told him to hold onto it until she had time to look around for other cool stuff. Vox Machina and their friends retreat into the relative safety of the crater. Order If anyone tries to help you, the helper summons its own avatar of death. Critical Role Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Transcript So, when a character draws this card, a day or two later they're back in their body, with a new laundry list of things they have to do in order to remain walking around. The Deck is absolutely ridiculous, but that is part of the fun of the Deck. The venue doesn't have the infrastructure for a live stream apparently. Dominate/Mindrape a bunch of summons or mind-controlled minions to do it. If done right, this is an awesome tool for fantastic storytelling. After prying it open by breaking it in half, a small leather sleeve fell out. Second, drawThe Idiot, which reduces the individual's intelligence by 1d4+1. However, I would strongly recommend NOT giving the deck to your players. The character should experience the devils malevolent efforts on multiple occasions. I would be tempted to have them draw Rogue and earn the players hostility, be interesting for them to find out the only reason they hate this NPC is a card, reversal of the normal effect. As a result, the only way to undo Grog's curse would have been to ask a god for help. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! After spending some time examining it, her suspicions proved correct. The avatar fights until you die or it drops to 0 Hit Points, whereupon it disappears. The fighter is of the same race as you and serves you loyally until death, believing the fates have drawn him or her to you. The avatar can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. 4:00:50 Keyleth uses Teleportation Via Plants on the tree in the keep's temple of Sarenrae and they go through it and emerge from the Sun Tree in Whitestone. [7], Intrigued by the cards, Grog pulled one from the middle of the deck. "What Lies Beneath the Surface" (1x81) is the eighty-first episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. A deck of many things, also known as deck of hazards, was an assortment of magical cards or metallic plates that were arranged in a set deck. Scanlan claimed that Percy had lost an arm in the process of rescuing his soul. RT @Angelphileart: 1/2 pieces for #SpellsnStuff for @ExandriaArtists : Grog's Deck of Many Things, inspired by Sakura Card Captor (reason why Scanlan's more of a little guy than usual, enjoy a little zoom on him!) Any documentation that proves you should own something lost to this card also disappears. Usually found in a box or pouch, this deck contains a number of cards made of ivory or vellum. The higher ups found out, and now they're after him. Not all of which need be pulled by your PC! Vex convinced her that it was keeping her occupied. So it shouldn't happen more than once. Nothing on my channel is Monetized. Grog shouted after him, asking what his name was, but got no answer. As soon as a character draws a card from the deck, its magic immediately takes effect. I wouldn't punish my players for being timid but I also wouldn't let a gigantic Chekhov's gungo un-fired without some consequences. share. The universe abhors the concept of infinite wishes. He was the dumb and the dumb." Grog almost threw them, and Vex picked up the deck. Feeling guilty for also having kept something serious from everyone else, Vex confessed to Grog and gave him back the Deck of Many Things. Podcast link Kima says that they should also let the remaining members of the council know what's going on and volunteers to help guard the crater against looters until the wealth can be redistributed. 2,418. Grog: You gain a random effect from the Grog of substantial Whimsy table (3.5e). Close. At any time you choose within one year of drawing this card, you can ask a question in meditation and mentally receive a truthful answer to that question. The first he uses immediately to become a "powerful lord of the quadroads", the second wish is never discussed. 4.7 out of 5 stars. Scanlan takes out some of his Suude and is at first interrupted by Pike, but after finding a moment to himself he tries to use it. The Fatesallow you to erase something that once happened to you--under the effect of the Idiot, the person might not think through the consequences of what they choose to erase and do something that drastically effects their life for the worse. Skull. At the end of this venture, you've allacquiring your relative power, your levels of experience, and the allies you've amassed through this journeyconverged upon the central capital city of Emon in hopes of finally defeating and destroying Thordak, the Cinder King. Most (75 percent) of these decks have only thirteen cards, but the rest have twenty-two. It consists of 22 jumbo Tarot Card -sized cards. A rare or rarer magic weapon with which you are proficient appears in your hands. It can be a simple recovery mission. Your mind suffers a wrenching alteration, causing your alignment to change. The thumbnail for "What Lies Beneath the Surface" (1x81), featuring Marisha Ray as Keyleth. the effects can still be massively negative, but mostly you can do something about it, wich was for me the worst for players. New episodes of Critical Role air Thursday nights at 19:00 Pacific on, Press J to jump to the feed. One or more powerful beings guarded the place, and Grog's body was incapacitated while his soul was being held that way. Contents Description Powers Effects History Appendix Further reading Appearances External Links Notes References Description Vex took the Deck from Grog, not trusting him with such a dangerous item. . HIGH QUALITY PACKAGING & MATERIALS. After all, they can't just keep it on their person, since then it would need to be re-authenticated, to make sure it hadn't been swapped out. Exhausted, the party rests in the tunnel to heal their wounds. During his year off in Vasselheim, Grog got curious again about the Deck of Many Things. Animated Tarot; Humblewood; Animated Spells . Lawful becomes chaotic, good becomes evil, and vice versa.
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