ESTE CONTENIDO ES PUBLICADO POR SINEMBARGO CON AUTORIZACIN EXPRESA DE PERIDICO CENTRAL. TIJUANA.-"El Cabo 20", a quien la Fiscala de Baja California considera pieza clave para resolver el asesinato del fotgrafo Margarito Martnez en esta ciudad fronteriza, no consigui defensa particular para la audiencia de este viernes y regres ante el juez de control con una abogada de oficio. The haters are mostly cds fan boys that are mad their favorite cartel lost to cjng, just look at the comment section lol, lots of triggered cjng pom poms on that comment 11:02 LOL. And here we are 30 years Later and still with cartels and gangs in the USA. Todays action is the result of OFACs ongoing collaboration with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Los Angeles Field Division. Disparan contra el negocio de la familia de la esposa de Messi en Argentina y dejan mensaje amenazador contra el futbolista. Among the previously designated individuals are those who play critical roles in CJNGs drug trafficking activities, including money laundering, and those who facilitate corruption activities on behalf of CJNG and Los Cuinis. In another clip, alleged narcos yelled we are people of El Mencholeader of the CJNGand set a convenience store on fire with several civilians inside. who were on the CJNG payroll, allegedly providing protection to the criminal I said it before. Bravo.La Camarilla. @8:09am-Look, the Mexican government has the complete ability to demolish the cartels. a former prosecutor from Jalisco and at that time the Secretary of State Labor, videos were recorded in the limits of Michoacn and Jalisco by "El Doble 006 got bitch slapped by Menchos daughter. Abouzaid El Bayeh was designated today for materially assisting in, providing financial or technological support for or to, or providing goods or services in support of the international narcotics trafficking activities of CJNG. El pasado 15 de mayo tambin se registr un enfrentamiento en el estado de Jalisco, en las comunidades de Nangue y Yahualica, entre integrantes de la clula del CJNG y las autoridades. He also finds him more responsible than Menchito. Say what you will about Mencho, but he moves very carefully and has shown to be very elusive. But youre a nobody @ 10:29 La mencha doesnt even know you exist and I highly doubt youre sleeping with anybody nothing but another keyboard warrior cheerleader, 10:29 u stay going to Sinaloa to see a real narco guy,. Se meten a jalisco a haser business nos metemos a culiacan a haser bussiness, pero una ves que tengan un buen mapa de culiacan va a ser muy tarde para cds! EU sanciona a 8 empresas mexicanas por estafas vinculadas al "CJNG". (The bloody scene left by the settling of scores between "El Marro" and "El Mencho"). Another fact to which this CJNG cell was linked, is the murder of Adolfo Mendoza Valencia, "El Michoacano", the alleged head of a rival group's plaza in the Valle de Santiago municipality. This character is allegedly emerging as the successor of "El Mencho", as there is evidence that the recent acts of violence that have occurred in the region have been ordered directly by him. Better keep hiding and paying the million $$$ mordida or lecockhead is finished! Mexican authorities have pointed out Ruiz as the top armed commander for the Jalisco Cartel operating in the states of Jalisco, Michoacn, and Colima. That means that the real bosses are the bosses in government. Algunos medios refieren que la relacin que mantienen es de compadrazgo, aunque otros aseguran que podra ser un hijo . opposing criminal cells.". Cesar Morfin "El Primito" TERRITORIES OWNED: Sinaloa Cartel: Sinaloa, Durango, Nayarit, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Aguascalientes . In 2015, the US Treasury Department placed restaurant Mizu Sushi Lounge and its Tequila brand Onze Black on the blacklist of businesses suspected of having a relationship with drug trafficking. Los Viagras son un grupo armado predominante en el estado de Michoacn, en sus lmites con Jalisco y Colima, y el CJNG llevan aos en disputa por el territorio; sin embargo, a mediados de 2015 las amenazas y ejecuciones entre ambas bandas crecieron considerablemente. 07:48 hs. A few plazas thanks to cds who gave them to cjng or cjng took them.. nobody hates on your favorite cartel cds bro, the are a thing of bgg the past. to data from the Ministry of National Defense (Sedena). El Millonario tiene una dura prueba ante el Granate para intentar subirse a lo ms alto de la tabla de posiciones. Farfan got the drugs from CJNG members in Michoacn, a western state . the so-called "Elite Group", an armed wing of CJNG enforcers that has The previously designated businesses in Mexico include shopping centers, real estate companies, agricultural companies, a music promotion business, and a luxury boutique hotel. El Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG) y Crteles Unidos protagonizaron un violento enfrentamiento armado en Michoacn. Amazing article. "El Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin es una organizacin violenta con sede en Mxico, responsable del trfico de una proporcin significativa del fentanilo y otras drogas mortales que ingresan a Estados Unidos", seal entonces el Departamento del Tesoro. He has to hide like a rat, cant even step in his hometown (Michoacan).He's nothing without PRIs blessing. Minister of National Defense Luis Cresencio told reporters Monday that the video features an elite cell of CJNG created a year ago and commanded by Juan Carlos Gonzlez, aka "El 03." RR has a song by Grupo Cartel, and they have only made songs exclusively for CDS in the past. Los medios locales, que repasan los acontecimientos criminales en la entidad tapata, aseguran que Juan Carlos Gonzlez fue el encargado del ataque al ex fiscal de Jalisco, Luis Carlos Njera, el 22 de mayo de 2018en la ciudad Guadalajara, quien slo result herido en una mano, y el asesinato de los miembros de la Agencia de Investigacin Criminal de la Subprocuradura Especializada en Investigacin de Delincuencia Organizada (Seido), Alfonso Hernndez Villavicencio y Octavio Martnez Quiroz; y del director de Seguridad Pblica de Zamora (Michoacn), Daniel Torres Hernndez. (CNN Espaol) -- Las autoridades policiales de Mxico capturaron a Christian "N", "El Zorro",y a Aldrin Miguel Jarqun Jarqun, "El Chaparrito", presuntos lderes del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG), confirmaron fuentes del gobierno este lunes a CNN. 02/03/2023 - 09:49. That was the first time the Se le seala de ser el presunto responsable del secuestro de Jess Alfredo e Ivn Archivaldo, hijos de Joaqun El Chapo Guzmn, el 15 de agosto de 2016 en un restaurante ubicado en Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, mientras festejaban un cumpleaos. The reason they have them cause u cant hear them like regular helicopters that give notice and they flee, In Zac this so called grupo alite isn't doing much progress at all against cdn nor cds, Are you the one who said cjng would never enter zacatecas? Its pathetic to read y'all comments and el pirata only talked shit when he was drunk and coked up. It was a very violent reaction by the criminals, Ricardo Meja Berdeja, Mexicos Security Undersecretary said in a security meeting Wednesday morning. El gobierno estadounidense sancion a ocho empresas mexicanas que beneficiaron al Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG) con estafas y fraudes a dueos compartidos de Estados Unidos y Mxico . Carteles de la droga mexicanos se infiltran en crceles de Ecuador, controladas por el crimen. Todas fueron sancionadas por ser propiedad, estar controladas o dirigidas por el CJNG, incluso por haber actuado en nombre del grupo criminal, directa o indirectamente, explic el Departamento del Tesoro. Algunos medios refieren que la relacin que mantienen es de compadrazgo, aunque otros aseguran que podra ser un hijo no reconocido de Oseguera Cervantes. poor fella was just used by the other idiots y ay estan de lambe huevos ustedes .. el chanito es de Sinaloa no? We have a NSA consultant tatgeting their communications .We have an elite team in Michiocan and in Jalisco looking for El Mencho 24x7 . Nickname please,lets see if u know,which I doubtthey dont call him el 3 just government does and authorities, El 3 is a top priority for Gente Nueva Special Forces ! Please help by moving some material from it into the body of the article. arrested in July 2018. Its blurry and looks really informational. I didnt see nothing but weapons standing and moving up and down on their own. Andar a salto de mata, "jumping from the bushes" translates better to the more usual "hiding in the bushes". Happen to zetas, caballeros templarios (under PAN blessing) and now tecato Mencho time's up. Such as the case with Flechas MZ, an associated organization that has the strength, power, money, and firepower to defeat the CJNG in the region. It would be this armed wing that has led the bloody war against Abouzaid El Bayeh, who remains a fugitive from these charges, maintains a close relationship with senior leaders of CJNG. CJNG is a violent Mexico-based organization that traffics a significant proportion of the illicit fentanyl and other deadly . "El 03": posible sucesor de "El Mencho" "El 03" tendra tanto poder y confianza en el CJNG que sera el posible sucesor de "El Mencho". El Mencho is also a designated target of the State Department Narcotics Rewards Program (NRP) with a reward offer of up to $10 million. "Festejemos las mltiples y diversas convocatorias a las marchas del 8M en ms de una docena de ciudades importante del pas". dijo . Asimismo, dicho portal asegura que Bryssa Zambada forma parte de los sicarios de El Mayo que fueron enviados a Zacatecas a combatir con el Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG) para mantener el . Techocho if u supposedly know who his dad is what do they call El 3? What vehicles? "El 03 creci criminalmente al amparo del lder principal del CJNG. Good way to get all eyes on them . By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from Vice Media Group, which may include marketing promotions, advertisements and sponsored content. isn't that cuinis in michoacan? Since u guys dont much of him i will not say much!! In June 2021, a confrontation between the two organizations took place in Zacatecas, leaving 18 dead. La nota tambin indicaba que a estos sospechosos se les requisaron cargadores y cartuchos para arma de fuego, telfonos celulares, una bolsa con hierba verde seca con caractersticas propias de la marihuana, ampolletas, cajas de clonazepam, dispositivos de almacenamiento y objetos diversos. Only way it would blow my mind is if it was Molcas son or maybe Chango Mendez. Algunos medios refieren que la relacin que mantienen es de compadrazgo, aunque otros aseguran que podra ser un hijo . Por fraude de tiempo compartido, una red de empresas dirigidas por el Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin ( CJNG) fue sancionada por el . The incident broke out after the arrest of Ricardo Ruiz, known as RR or Doble R, one of the highest ranking members of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, according to Mexican press reports.