Thank you for your interest in Live Action News! Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit under EIN 13-1644147. Rusty Thomas, the leader of Operation Save America, whose members blockade the gates of hell to prevent women from entering Planned Parenthood facilities, calls them death camps. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. 1-800-430-4907. Girl Scouts of the USA does not have a relationship or partnership with Planned Parenthood, according to its website. The Girl Scouts support Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion in the United States through all nine months of pregnancy, overruling multiple state laws enacted by the elected representatives in those states. Routing number of commercial bank of Ethiopia? In a world of wild talk and fake news, help us stand up for the facts. WebGirl Scouts of the USA is one of the 145 member organizations. American Express. 3. Americas Charities is an alliance of more than 120 of America's best charities. 801 3rd St. S my rights, praising Roe v. Wade, and promoting pro-abortion role models to girls that just doesnt add up.. American Cancer Society. Regardless, the same royalty fee is applied. Lead Stories reached out to GSUSA for clarification regarding the claim. She asked women to send her their purity rings so she could melt them down to create a vagina sculpture which she presented, on stage to Gloria Steinem. Our 501 (c) (3) high-impact nonprofit members are r eviewed In addition, Teen Vogue has recently been outspokenabout their support for late-term abortion. That support does not seem to be diminishing. Also, IRA donations must be submitted directly from your financial institution. Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit under EIN 13-1644147. Updated to revise first sentence for clarity. Girl Scouts had no knowledge of a Planned Parenthood brochure and played no role in distributing it, the organizations website says. PPAF is a 501(c)(4) organization, and donations are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution or business expense. To give via another method to your local affiliate, browse our list of Local and State Offices and visit their website for detailed information on other ways to give. Updated with information about a more recent example of the claim. 12 March 2015. What is the labour of cable stayed bridges? Family Council. Those stories written by news organizations, not by the Girl Scouts included some politicians who support abortion rights. "Pelosi: Girl Scouts' Relationship with Planned Parenthood Very Valuable." The Generations Radio host urged listeners Monday to refrain from buying Girl Scout cookies because, he claims, the little girls in green and white uniforms are antithetical to a biblical vision for womanhood.. As for politics, the Girl Scouts did take part in President Trumps inauguration parade, and they took a lot of heat for it. Please select all the ways you would like to hear from Lead Stories LLC: You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. No, Girl Scouts of the USA does not have a relationship or partnership with Planned Parenthood. Girl Scouts of the USA makes up about 1/3 of the total WAGGGS membership of its 10 million girl members worldwide. "I categorically stand up and say that our organization has no partnership with planned parenthood," Newberry said. During 2018, the Girl Scouts has sponsored the Teen Vogue Summit with topics that included reproductive justice. Past speakers have included Hillary Clinton "To date, nobody has been able to show that there is a law for the average American citizen working day in and day out to pay an income tax.". No, Girl Scouts of the USA does not support Planned Parenthood, like viral post claims. Planned Parenthood, in full Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., American organization that, since its founding in 1942, has worked as an advocate for education and personal liberties in the areas of birth control, family planning, and reproductive health care. The regional council gets approximately 65-75%. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Washington, DC 20090-7166. WebJuly 3, 2022 does boy scouts of america support planned parenthood Thanks, but the Girl Scouts is different from Boys and Girls Club of America, at least I'm pretty sure they are not the same org. Does anyone know if they still have a relationship with Planned Parenthood. It ends with the hashtag #cookiecott, and has the name "Pro-Life Action League" at the bottom. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable under the law. One of those women was Davis, who maintained an 11-hour filibuster speech against an anti-abortion bill. Cloninger did not state (or imply) that any financial support relationship existed between the two organizations. There are a multitude of other examples that could be cited. Claim: "Before you buy Girl Scout cookies, be aware that they support Planned Parenthood, which now endorses full term abortions." Planned Parenthood will send a card in the mail to the address you specified. WebDonation Questions and Information. Ruse, Cathy Cleaver. AT&T. WebYour gift to or through the Foundation can be to a local council, or any Scouting entity, and can be used for operating, capital or endowment needs. This notable Girl Scout alum made history as she received unanimous Senate approval and became the first woman justice to serve on the nations highest court in 1981. Thats also when Pro-Life Action League, a Chicago-based group whose name is on the image in this Facebook post, got involved in the cookie boycott. The maximum donation amount in one year cannot exceed $100,000. WebA social media post went viral after the author said he would boycott girl scout cookies due to their connection to Planned Parenthood. WebContact the Boy Scouts of Americas National Service Center, or find information on your local council. Catholic Christianity offers the world the fullness of the Christian Faith. What is the reflection of the story of princess urduja? The Gates Foundation has given the Planned Parenthood Federation of America almost $12.5 million since 1998. Learn More. We contacted the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) to determine whether any portion of the rumor was true. Please be prepared to provide the full name, email address and billing address used when setting up the monthly donation so we can locate your gift. We have new evidence that the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) continues to link arms with those promoting agendas that include the encouragement of abortion on demand. Forecasting the snowfall amount probability, snow accumu Adobe. I know that the Girl Scouts have denied this over and over again and even Snopes has tried to debunk it. WebGirl Scouts of the USA neither supports nor opposes Planned Parenthood. Let us know!. No, that's not true: GSUSA has repeatedly denied any partnership with Planned Parenthood, and there is no evidence that it has endorsed individual politicians. The minimum age requirement for a rollover IRA is 70 1/2. Donors make it possible to fight back against attacks on reproductive health and rights while still providing vital support to health centers and patients across the country who rely on Planned Parenthood for critical health care. Claim: Girl Scouts Supports Planned Parenthood, Pro-Abortion Politicians We had a blast, they said. WebPlanned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) works to support health care providers at Planned Parenthood health centers across the country, educate the public Girl Scouts of the USA does not have a relationship or partnership with Planned Parenthood, the organization says on its website. WebBoys and Girls Club and Planned Parenthood A Google search of Boys and Girls club will bring up a bunch of articles claiming they are connected somehow with Planned WebGitHub export from English Wikipedia. One part of the claim dates to 2004 and is centered on one Girl Scout council the organization's term for groups that develop and manage scouting in a geographic region in Texas. The claims are unfounded. The connection to GSUSA, former Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius and former Texas Sen. Wendy Davis is based on scant evidence. They responded to the complaints by saying that they are a nonpartisan nonprofit organization that by law cannot take positions on political candidates or parties and then went on to participate in the anti-Trump Womens March the day after the inauguration. A post shared by Girl Scouts (@girlscoutsccc) on Dec 26, 2018 at 1:00pm PST, Christy Volanski, co-editor of, told Live Action News, Girl Scouts FAQs claim the organization takes no position on the issue of abortion. The Girl Scout Cookies section of the Girl Scouts website's FAQ declares that all revenue raised from cookie sales goes to the local Girl Scout councils and troops, not outside organizations: Q: Does any part of Girl Scout Cookie Program revenue support organizations other than the local Girl Scout council? Learn more donating via stock. Last year, the Girl Scouts decided to admit boys who dress as girls. Reducing bullying and increasing girls involvement in science, technology, engineering and math are among issues on its website. Official govt docs expose Michelle Obamas 14 year history as a man., "Woody Harrelsons 60 seconds in the middle of his monologue was cut out of the edits released after the show., BREAKING Trump preps Marines to stop presidential coup.. If you prefer, you can also contactus toll-free at 1 (800) 430-4907 to make a secure donation with one of our representatives. Grays Harbor County Road Closures. "Your Thursday Briefing." But heres the best partthe Girl Scouts of America supports Planned Parenthood. The national organization also has not endorsed any person or organization, according to the website for Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas. St. Petersburg, FL inaccurate stories, videos or images going viral on the internet. When making an IRA contribution, please provide your broker with PPFA's address and Tax ID: Planned Parenthood Federation of AmericaAttn: Office of Gift Planning123 William StreetNew York, NY 10038. GSUSA wont allow you to give money directly to the local troop instead of buying cookies. "Video Today Show," March 4, 2004. GSUSA also has not adopted a position on beliefs regarding sexual health: Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) does not take a position or develop materials on these issues. Does Boy Scouts of America give money to Planned Parenthood? In a #WednesdayWisdom post, they celebrated Girl Scout alum Sandra Day OConnor, the first woman to sit on the Supreme Court, highlighting OConnors duty to help people at all times. Learn More . Who is Jason crabb mother and where is she? The Girl Scouts were present at a MAKERS event that included a woman named Nadia Bolz-Weber, who, as seen in the video below, attacked the notion of purity rings and saving sex until marriage. I know that the Girl Scouts have denied this over and over again and even Snopes has tried to debunk it. This material may not be reproduced without permission. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. The photo in the post is attributed to Pro-Life Action League and includes a Trefoils cookie with a Planned Parenthood logo instead of the Girl Scouts logo. The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) credits its close partnership with WAGGGS for its increasing success in reaching youth with the IPPF message of sexual and reproductive rights. A: One hundred percent of the net proceeds from Girl Scout Cookie sales is retained by the originating council and troop to power amazing experiences for girls and influential girl-led community projects. Please consider subscribing to our daily newsletter, text alerts and our YouTube channel. I used to get thin mint cookies for my birthday every year not any more! the post shared on Feb. 4 reads. 1800 I Street NW The World Economic Forum has its own police force. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. I can't speak for /u/dogfish_eggcase, but I'd assume they'd like to know whether they can support organisations that don't conflict with their conscience and Catholic teachings. Two federal tax forms from 2017 and 2019, shared on the Girl Scouts website, do not show any financial contributions to Planned Parenthood. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable under the law. UPDATE 3/13/2019: Further evidence has been discovered by Christy Volanski of proving the Girls Scouts USA are pushing liberal, extreme feminism on young girls. Is the singer Avant and R Kelly brothers? Does Boy Scouts of America give money to Planned Parenthood? The The Waco-area council had put its name and logo on Planned Parenthood brochures that advertised sex-education programs, and also had given a "woman of distinction" award to a Planned Parenthood executive. @TeenVoguethanks for extending the sponsorship opportunity! Meagan has been assisted in her efforts by the El Rio Reproductive Health Access Project., The Girl Scouts of Central California Coasts Instagram account included a December 26, 2018 post lauding US Supreme Court justice Sandra Day OConnor for Honoring her duty to help people at all times, she was a key swing vote in many important cases, including the upholding of Roe v. Wade.. To receive a duplicate receipt, please contact us here or 1 (800) 430-4907. On December 26, 2018, the Girl Scouts got straight to the point on Instagram. Documentation, going back several years, links this group to the advocacy of abortion. Fluoride.. We are available to take donations during the following hours: Monday through Friday WAGGGS, in the name of its membership, served on the Youth Advisory Group for this conference along with the International Planned Parenthood Federation and Planned Parenthood Global. What is the answer punchline algebra 15.1 why dose a chicken coop have only two doors? The council did not contribute money or send children to the sex-ed program, which never mentioned abortion, the Associated Press reported at the time. The issue roared back to life a decade later in 2014, when the national Girl Scouts organization shared stories on its social media accounts from the Huffington Post and the Washington Post about women who made a difference in 2013. Yes; Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is eligible for qualified charitable distributions (QCD) through the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015. WAGGGS is very active at international seminars, events and several conferences under the sponsorship of the United Nations. Does the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) support Planned Parenthood and praise politicians who support pro-abortion measures? They falsely believe that abortion is a right, rather than a gross attack on human life and human rights. Kim LaCapria is a former writer for Snopes. Swanson, who recently blamed decadent While the Girl Scouts say that none of the money raised from cookies goes to Planned Parenthood, with all the other pro-abortion evidence stacked against them, it appears that this organization is very much against pro-life values. On its website, Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas added that the Girl Scouts have never received financial support from or contributed to Planned Parenthood. Yes. P.O. READ:Former members highlight the Girl Scouts pro-abortion connection. For several years, social media users have shared tweets and memes claiming that funds from the sale of Girl Scout Cookies are distributed to Planned Parenthood, often posting such items with hashtags such as "#cookiecott" to promote the rumor: How did we end up with a crooked eyed snake salesman Leader, selling nothing but snake oil to Americans? Girl Scouts are Go Getters, Innovators, Risk Takers, and Leaders who are changing the world forever and for the better! A Girl Scouts June 1, 2018 tweet thanked @TeenVogue for an amazing day. An accompanying video showed a poster that read, my body, my choice, my rights.. Girl Scout cookies mean different things to different people from entrepreneurial skills for the girls who sell them to tasty treats for those who buy them. WARNING: This article contains disturbing images. Note: Bradley Mattes is the President of Life Issues Institute, a national pro-life educational group. The claims are unfounded. (This statement begs the question of whether or not such sensitive programs are actually offered but informed partents can opt out). Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. Is this a case of guilt by association? As Girl Scouts of the United States of America is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, their financial statements are by law made freely available to the public, along with their annual report. ", USDA is predicting egg prices will be $12 a dozen by fall 2022.. WebUnited States v. Emerson Citation. In order to donate your IRA rollover to a local Planned Parenthood affiliate, please provide the mailing address and Tax ID # of your local administrative office. For instance, an analysis of the Girl Scouts' own curriculum promotes pro-abortion role models/organisations. The only difference is you wont be consuming the cookies. Box 97166. Planned Parenthood affiliates run your local health centers. a quarter of the Girl Scout councils nationwide admitted to partnering with Planned Parenthood, the nations abortion giant. KREM asked the same of the local Planned It is estimated that the boycott has cost Planned Parenthood more than $40 million since the Corporate Funding Project (CFP) began. Please be prepared to provide the full name, email address and billing address used when setting up the monthly donation so we can locate your gift. The Girl Scouts said sharing the stories did not represent an endorsement of any person. The national organization is a member of the international World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). If you do, the money will be directed toward purchasing cookies that will be given to a food kitchen or shipped to our military troops. Featured speakers at this conference were Leroy Carhart, Peter Singer and Cecile Richards. In May of 2013, a WAGGGS youth delegation attended a conference hosted by Women Deliver, a global advocacy organization which promotes investment in comprehensive reproductive health, specifically abortion and contraception access by 2015. Donations can be mailed to: Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. Attn: Online Services. They give money to PP or use PP materials in programs or something. Abortion is, and abortion isnt healthcare. This weeks #WednesdayWisdom comes from Sandra Day OConnor. American journalist Jack Posobiec was arrested at World Economic Forum., The Uvalde, Texas, mass shooter was an illegal alien., Says Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he wants Americas sons and daughters to go die in Ukraine., In Ohio, there are 75,000 acres of farmland, fertile farmland, that are all now being poured down with acid rain., Muslims by the millions are converting to Christianity.. In every instance, at every conference or event, WAGGGS promotes free access to reproductive rights at any time. was threatened with a lawsuit by GSUSA not for libel or slander for incorrectly or maliciously identifying a link between GSUSA and PP, but for using the copyrighted Girl Scout logo in their reporting of a Planned Parenthood/Girl Scout link. Planned Parenthoods donation process is PCI compliant and we use SSL technology to encrypt personal information. Recent evidence of a GSUSA partnership with pro-abortion activism, El Rio Reproductive Health Access Project. Unsure of the organization name? No, Girl Scouts of the USA does not support Planned Parenthood. At issue is S.B. This website outlines all of the Girl Scouts' connections to Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion organisations. PPFA is a 501(c)(3) organization, and donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable under the law. Tiffiny Bond (@RedHatGeek) April 8, 2015, @KazmierskiR don't even get me started on Girl Scout cookies where portion goes to PP don't buy cookies write a check to the troop, QThePatriots+++ (@patriotswanted) December 23, 2015. Currently, WAGGS offers an Advocacy Tool Kit that encourages girls to make changes in society. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. 1 February 2012. Anna Maria Chvez, the chief executive of the national group, responded to critics last year, denying any relationship with Planned Parenthood. The Catholic News Agency also reported in 2010 that the Girl Scouts hosted a panel at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women where Planned Parenthood was allowed to distribute sexually explicit material to the young girls., GSUSA also responded to this claim on its website, saying that its participation in the conference was the subject of numerous Internet stories and blogs that were factually inaccurate and troubling.. Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. Learn More. No, people are not handing out masks doused with chemicals as bogus 'police bulletin' claims. This is what the post looked like on Facebook on February 16, 2022: (Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Wed Feb 16 19:56:46 2022 UTC). The organization is also a member of the Coalition for Adolescent Girls, which advocates for abortion and comprehensive sex ed. The council announced it would not be affiliated with Planned Parenthood sex education programs as a result of the controversy, according to the Associated Press. WebGitHub export from English Wikipedia. Associated Press, "Girl Scout cookies, and troops, crumble in Texas," March 4, 2004, Daily Beast, "The Mothers Behind The Girl Scout Cookie Boycott," Feb. 7, 2014, Girl Scouts, "Meet the Cookies," accessed Feb. 10, 2022, Girl Scouts, "Social Issues FAQ," accessed Feb. 10, 2022, Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas, "What we stand for," accessed Feb. 10, 2022, Pro-Life Action League, "LEAGUE JOINS NATIONAL BOYCOTT OF GIRL SCOUT COOKIES," Jan. 30, 2014, The Texas Tribune, "Waco Anti-Abortion Group Calls for Boycott of Girl Scout Cookies," Jan. 31, 2014, USA Girl Scouts Overseas, "Girl Scout Lingo - What Does it Mean?" Our Resource Book is a valuable guide [], Diane Trombley, Media Relations Director . The New York Times. Interestingly enough, when a recent boycott of Girl Scout Cookies was suggested by various pro-life groups, hoping to draw attention to this Planned Parenthood association, it apparently touched a nerve. ( House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Planned Parenthoods relationship with the Girl Scouts of America is very valuable, Excessive aluminum in the brain. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. See who is sharing it (it might even be your friends) and leave the link in the comments. According to the GSUSA website, the organization "does not have a relationship or partnership with Planned Parenthood." The Girl Scouts curriculum for girls, which is sold and promoted by every local Girl Scout council, promotes pro-abortion women including Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, and Hillary Clinton as role models. It has been proven that the number of illegal abortions committed prior to abortions legalization was fabricated in order to push the pro-abortion agenda. Digital IDs were given to residents in East Palestine, Ohio, to track long term health problems like difficulty breathing before the Feb. 3 train derailment. You can make undesignated WebEdward Snowden. May 29, 2021, YouTube, Pro-Life Waco. However, the rumor had previously spread widely in 2012, after Fox News reprinted a (since-deleted) opinion piece from LifeSiteNews that stated (in part): When our sweet little neighbor in her brown camp uniform came knocking on our door this year, we had to say no. Box 97166 When questioned about the affiliation on NBCs Today Show, Girl Scout CEO Kathy Cloninger had no compunction in confirming it. The claim, which has circulated since at least 2004 after one Texas Girl Scout council was associated with a Planned Parenthood sexual education program, reappeared in a Facebook post (archived here) published on January 30, 2014. Klicken Sie auf Alle ablehnen, wenn Sie nicht mchten, dass wir und unsere Partner Cookies und personenbezogene Daten fr diese zustzlichen Zwecke verwenden. WebEnter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. The national organization also has not Every BSA leadership position is open to females, according to the organization's website. (This statement begs the question of whether or not such sensitive programs are actually offered but informed partents can opt out). Unfortunately, the Girl Scout connection to abortion advocacy doesnt stop there. "Until the Girl Scouts stop supporting Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion politicians, this pro-life family wont be buying their cookies." The curriculum also promotes the National Organization for Women (a group dedicated to legal abortion), the Population Council, and the ACLU. Washington, DC Right-wing radio host Pastor Kevin Swanson is absolutely livid with the Girl Scouts.. But traveling up the organizational structure, the link to WAGGGS agitating for reproductive rights at the UN enabled funding from the $15.00 dues paid by each scout cannot be denied. Attn: Online Services Contrary to popular belief, the Girl Scouts have deeply rooted connections to Planned Parenthood and groups that promote reproductive rights, which is code for abortion. Yes, we accept check and credit card donations by mail. The $15.00 annual membership fee paid by a girl in a local troop goes directly to Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) and does not stay with the local organization. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.). In any case, Lifenews does list the Boys and Girls Club of America as a company that backs up Planned Parenthood but I wouldn't know anything beyond that. His disclosures revealed numerous global surveillance The Girl Scouts have long denied a connection between their organization and Planned Parenthood, going so far as to statethat they dont have a relationship or partnership with the abortion corporation, yet admitting that individual troops are allowed to partner with local Planned Parenthood facilities. A doctor at the Mayo Clinic is misdiagnosing pregnancies of Trump supporters so they have abortions. If possible, please provide us in advance with your donation amount and the name of the financial institution issuing your check, as it will allow us to promptly identify your gift. Claim: The proceeds of Girl Scout Cookies are used to support Planned Parenthood. 922(g)(8) for possession of a firearm while being under a restraining order. GUEST ARTICLES: To submit a guest article to Live Action News, email with an attached Word document of 800-1000 words. 46 F. Supp. "Our family will not be buying Girl Scout cookies this year," the post reads. While the organization states on itswebsite that theydo not take a position or develop materials on abortion, recent social media posts from the group along with a confirmed relationship with Teen Vogue support the idea that the Girl Scouts are a pro-abortion organization. Press J to jump to the feed. ", The Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas website says the sharing of the article "was not to endorse any of the women featured, but to highlight the source's acknowledgement of women who made a mark in 2013.". WebScouting is fun, hands-on learning and achievement that puts kids in the middle of the action and prepares them for today and for life. Yes, you can donate in honor or in memory of someone. Suggests a January traffic accident involving lab monkeys was responsible for spreading monkeypox to humans. Washington, DC 20090-7166. Your security is important to us. Lead Stories is a U.S. based fact checking website that is always looking for the latest false, misleading, deceptive or Spotted something? Supporters have created peer-to-peer fundraisers for events like weddings, birthdays, runs and just because! Yes, we provide a tax receipt for all tax-deductible donations over $5. If your submission is accepted for publication, you will be notified within three weeks. Claims about GSUSAs support of Planned Parenthood have been circulating since the early 2000s. Sie knnen Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ndern, indem Sie auf unseren Websites und Apps auf den Link Datenschutz-Dashboard klicken. Recent evidence of a GSUSA partnership with pro-abortion activism is in a November 2018 Tucson Life article featuring Meagan Gopalas quest for the Gold Award, the Girl Scouts highest honor. Ben & Jerrys. The post has received more attention online in 2022. Bei der Nutzung unserer Websites und Apps verwenden wir, unsere Websites und Apps fr Sie bereitzustellen, Nutzer zu authentifizieren, Sicherheitsmanahmen anzuwenden und Spam und Missbrauch zu verhindern, und, Ihre Nutzung unserer Websites und Apps zu messen, personalisierte Werbung und Inhalte auf der Grundlage von Interessenprofilen anzuzeigen, die Effektivitt von personalisierten Anzeigen und Inhalten zu messen, sowie, unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln und zu verbessern. #girlscouts #girlscoutsoc #changemakers #changingtheworld #makersconference #makersconference2019, A post shared by Girl Scouts of Orange County (@girlscoutsoc) on Feb 7, 2019 at 2:47pm PST. Agenda 2018: Leading Change Through Civic Action, Former members highlight the Girl Scouts pro-abortion connection. You can cancel your monthly donation at any time by contacting us here or 1 (800) 430-4907. Advertise with LifeNews to reach hundreds of thousands of pro-life readers every week. Girl Scouts (@girlscouts) November 30, 2018. Much like the lauded Susan G. Komen foundation, their charters and/or councils do support and Exposing young girls to this type of extreme feminism, where casual sex and the killing of children in the womb are applauded, sends the dangerous and self-centered message that our actions have no consequences and what we want should come before what is right.
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